Rudy gay news

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He put on quite a show in his first game in a Jazz uniform, hitting five of his six 3-point attempts during a 20-point performance in just 18 minutes. The Jazz's win over the Raptors featured the Utah debut of Rudy Gay, who got a late start on the season for his new team after offseason heel surgery. Toronto blasted host Sacramento 108-89 on Friday night in the first half of the Kings' tough home back-to-back.

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Utah beat Toronto 119-103 at home on Thursday night to begin a three-team, three-day round robin between the Jazz, the Raptors and the Kings.

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Utah is coming off a 3-2 homestand that followed a two-game losing streak at Miami and Orlando. Harrison Barnes paced the Kings with 25 points, and Buddy Hield scored 24.

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